Italian-Polish Investment Forum (IPIF): Identifying Emerging Trends,
Assessing Opportunities, Realizing Potential [December 2016]
The lingering global economic crisis that erupted in 2008-09, coupled to the continuing process of globalization and the growing technological intensity of economic practices, are changing the conditions under which business is conducted across the European Union. Diminishing and even negative rates of growth and an increasingly uncertain business horizon present firms, especially SMEs, with existential challenges. In this environment identifying new opportunities and realizing their potential for sustainable growth is becoming an issue of vital importance for firms and regional economies.
This is what the Italian-Polish Investment Forum (IPIF) is designed to do. Both Italy and Poland have experienced the adverse effects of the crisis. But, given the differences in the structure of their economies, globalization and technological intensification present unique challenges for business initiatives and investment opportunities that are mutually beneficial. Read more
Organized under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in Poland and the Ministry of Economic Development and Finance of Poland, the goal of IPIF is to establish a framework that helps decision makers and related stakeholders identify emerging collaboration and investment trends, assess opportunities and realize their potential on a cross-regional basis. Foreign direct investment fosters qualitative change in economies, increases technological advancement and diversification which lead to diffusion of technology, modernization of industry and production processes, initiates innovative undertakings, and facilitates numerous synergistic effects.
In this context IPIF brings together all the relevant actors involved in the investment process from the business communities, financial institutions, and regional governments, in order to explore and facilitate collaboration and cross-regional investments . IPIF addresses the current state and emerging trends in the following areas:
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) support framework: incentives, corporate income tax (CIT), investment incentives in Special Economic Zones, income tax exemptions, real estate tax exemptions, land prices, industrial and technology parks, possibilities to benefit from the EU structural funds, brownfield and greenfield locations.
- The business and investment environment: access to capital, banking and capital markets, legal regulation and risks, costs of labor, transportation, telecommunications and energy infrastructure, the financial and judiciary system, transparency and uniformity, institutional, organizational and financial support.
- Innovation, efficiency and enterprise development: financial support for innovation, grants for R&D, R&D&I support instruments, repayable instruments for purchase of new technologies, machinery and devices, venture capital funds, intellectual property rights, clusters and cooperation between enterprises and universities and vocational schools, Business Environment Institutions, support for creating and implementing environmental technologies, support for enterprises on global markets.
- EU funds and smart specialization: EU funds priorities and pro-innovation targeting for 2014-2020, cooperation between scientific institutions and the business sector, regional competitive advantages and smart specialization strategies.
As such IPIF is serving as a basis for institutionalizing the exploration of emerging opportunities across the business communities of Italy and Poland.
IPIF is organized under the auspices of Embassy of Italy in Warsaw and the Ministry of Economic Development and Finance of Poland.
Supporting Organizations:

ClusterPoliSEE Project [June 2013 – March 2014]
The Smarter Cluster Policies for South East Europe project, in short ClusterPoliSEE, is co-funded by the European Commission within the SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme, addressing Priority Axis 1 and aiming to improve regional public administration ability and capacity to enhance, develop and implement effective regional cluster policies through transnational policy learning mechanisms. The project makes use of a work plan consisting of six Work Packages that will enhance the capacity of regional policy makers to anticipate and confront change, to develop smart specialization strategies for cluster development, thus accelerating differentiation and structural change towards a knowledge-based economy for all SEE region countries.
In the short-term, ClusterPoliSEE identifies and collects data and information enabling the analysis of framework conditions by a learning process, thus allowing the development and testing of new policies in specific priority areas to allow for proof of new cluster policies for SE Europe. In the long-term, the project aspires to improve the framework conditions supporting cluster development in SE Europe by delivering a joint policy plan and Initiative based on common policy learning and evidence from pilot actions. The online, web-based collaborative learning platform will support result-oriented transnational good practice exchange, cooperative learning, policy transfer among policy makers and stakeholders engaged in cluster promotion and funding initiatives. Read more

CONCORD [April 2011 – March 2013] Coordination and collaboration facilitation for the Next Generation FI PPP (Future Internet Public Private Partnerships)
The CONCORD Future Internet PPP Programme Facilitation and Support action advances European Future Internet research by supporting the successful and coherent implementation of the European Commission’s Future Internet PPP (FI PPP) Programme. As a Programme Facilitation and Support Action, CONCORD coordinates and facilitates the alignment of FI PPP activities to ensure the relevance, rigor and robustness of the emerging Future Internet concepts, visions and roadmaps. The co-creative CONCORD methodology is based on the SECI model (Socialisation, Externalisation, Combination, Internalisation) in a spiral development process. Read more

MOSIPS – Modeling and Simulation of the Impact of Public Policies on SMEs (May 2011 – May 2014)
The aim of the MOSIPS project is to develop a user-friendly policy simulation system allowing forecasting and visualizing the socio-economic potential impact of public policies. This will allow policy makers to make experiments with different socio-economic designs, with the participation of citizens and potentially impacted stakeholders, before a public policy is designed and implemented. It will also allow the different stakeholders to participate into the process and better understand different scenarios possible and their side effects. Read more

OISPG – Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group [September 2013 –
The Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) unites industrial groups, academia and private users to support policies for Open Innovation at the European Commission. As a member of OISPG EIIR has participated in research and advisory work on Open Innovation tailored towards industries, users and policymakers.
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Lithuania Action Plan for SME e-Business Support for 2008-2013 [January 2008 – July 2008]
The objective of the project is to identify, through an international comparative analysis of leading e-business policy practices across the EU, areas for R&D policy intervention to assist Lithuanian SMEs use ICT in a way that will maximize their business performance and competitive advantage while contributing to regional and national economic development. It lays the foundation for the design of a National Action Plan for SME e-business support for the 2008-2013 period in the Republic of Lithuania.
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EFFORT – Governance, Policies and Legal Conditions for Access to Market through Extended and Dynamic Clustering of SMEs [September 2006 – May 2009]
EFFORT is a project funded by the European Commission under the RTD Framework Program VI. Its objective is to research and document the policy, legal, organizational, technological and governance conditions that enable dynamic cross-border and cross-regional clusters of SMEs to improve their ability to access the global market by facilitating collaborative production of services and products.

Forecasting Patterns of Regional Economic Change: Indications for EU Public Administrations [October 2007 – October 2008]
This project examines the nature of transformations in the spatial and sectoral structure of economic activity in selected regions of the EU, and assesses their implications for regional policy. More specifically, the project sets out to forecast the extent to which regions are capable of confronting the emerging economic challenges and to identify the potential constraints on changes required for maintaining their competitive position, which, in turn, can slow down economic growth and prevent them from achieving higher levels of real income.
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Lithuania Skills and Labor Market Evaluation: Biotechnology, Mechatronics, Laser and Information Technologies across the OECD [February 2007 – December 2007]
The objective of the project was to analyze and assess the current state of labor market conditions, skills demand and supply dynamics, and drivers of future specialist demand in four high technology areas – biotechnology, mechatronics, laser technologies, and ICT – across the countries of the OECD. Its key outcome is the development of a methodology to support the Ministry of Education and Science conduct labor market assessment and design policy support measures in these sectors. Its key outcome is the development of a methodology to support the Ministry of Education and Science conduct labor market assessment and design policy support measures in these sectors.
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Specialization, Regional Clusters and Competitiveness – Regional Competitiveness Strategies [July 2006 – March 2007]
The Specialization, Regional Clusters and Competitiveness – Regional Competitiveness Strategies project, undertaken by the OECD in co-operation with NUTEK (the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth), and EIIR is designed to ascertain the extent to which public policy can play an effective role in (re)shaping the economic future of regions and the significance of regional specialization and clusters in that future. This involves addressing how regions react to the changes in their economic structures brought about by globalization, notably the shift from production-oriented regional economies to economies that focus on non-production activities. The issues are addressed through the lens of the ongoing transformation of key industries, both mature and high-growth sectors, in advanced and less advanced regions.
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GUIDE – Government User Identity for Europe [May 2004 – September 2007]
GUIDE is an Integrated Project funded by the European Commission under the RTD Framework Program VI. Its objective is to create an open architecture for secure and interoperable e-government electronic Identity Management services and transactions in the EU with the collaboration of public administrations, leading academic and research institutions and industry. The project brings together 23 organizations from 13 Member States of the EU. The project’s approach is interdisciplinary and involves technological, policy, legal, and process research and implementation in the context of the institutional, political, and legislative diversity that marks the EU.
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Uzbekistan: Passages toward the Knowledge-Based Economy, Master Plan for the Transition [September 2003 – April 2004]
The objective of this project is to explore and analyze the current organizational, institutional, and regulatory conditions that structure the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and develop a set of policy recommendations to allow the Government of Uzbekistan and develop a set of policy recommendations to allow the Government of Uzbekistan better target its policies for the transition transition of the country to a knowledge-based economy. The results of the research will assist the Government to identify policy patterns, targets, approaches, and instruments for the support of the transition to the knowledge-based economy and the knowledge society more generally.
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Leading Trends in Regional Business Incubation Systems: Implications for the Region of Umbria [December 2003 – September 2004]
The objective of the project is to analyze leading international practices in the field of incubation and acceleration to identify international best practices, the key actors, organizational and management models, financial and marketing models and strategic positioning that underpin successful incubation and acceleration systems in order to identify the conditions for setting up an incubator in alignment with the developmental requirements of the region of Umbria, Italy.
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